My Hopi journey…

began when I helped a high school friend silkscreen Lion of Judah t-shirts to sell at the Reggae on the Rez concerts in the early 90’s. I fell in love then and didn’t return for almost 30 years busy with family relations, high-technology life and helping on the family corn and bean farm in the midwest. After crash-landing back in Sedona to be near family, I met a Katsinam tihu carver and became fast friends. His stories and art captured my heart and after seeing the Niman ceremony with his mother in Shungopovi, I was hooked. She was 83 and I could barely keep up!

Years later I’m still going up taking gift offerings, local fruit, feathers (have any parrot/conure/parakeet feathers you’d like to sell or donate?), spring water, dog food, saw blades and those Sedona yard sale goodies with rollback prices to trade towards tihus,

My love for nature, trading, and Hopi and Tewa artwork led me to befriend Clay South, legendary Hopi trader, and have carried the moniker of Clay Jr with pride. I could only hope to fill boots those big. My collection grew to the point where relationships with artists were formed, extended families joined and I now offer these art pieces to you with love and respect ……

Kwakwaii! & Gundah!